Where do you need support in your job search?
Apr 02, 2024Hey guys! Are you also thinking of a career shift?
Over the last few months, I have been involved in multiple one-on-one conversations with friends and clients about where they need the most support right now. Keep in mind that most of my clients are midlifers like me, over 50 (and fabulous, honey!). Most have enjoyed full careers in education or somewhere in the public sector, but they are not at all ready to talk about retirement. They want to do something else career wise, but don’t know how to start the job search journey. Quite frankly, it's been a minute too long! For many of them, it has been years since they last sat in a job interview, let alone updated their resumes.
Trust me. Knowing you want to do something different but feeling so intimidated about how to start is overwhelming. I have been there. Hear me out. I was very successful in my former education career. As a loyal and dedicated educator, I rose the administration ladder and did some cool things I am very proud of. However, the time came when I needed a shift. I was the cool accomplished operator in my little pond, but a scared insecure novice with the thought of looking for a new job in the big bad outside world. Would my education accomplishments look appealing to other employers? Were my skills transferable into another field? Was I too damn old to think any other organizations would want to hire me?
That is what led me to create some resources that would help other people with these same questions. It has taken me a little while, but I am nearly ready to release them. First, I wanted to get your feedback on a couple of things. If you are an educator thinking of a career shift, would you mind taking a short quiz for me? If not you, maybe you can share it with a loved one who is looking to start a job search journey. I’ll be releasing my support resources in the next couple of weeks and your input will help me put the finishing touches on it and make it the best it can be.
Thanks for your help and stay tuned!
Feeling lost in the job search jungle? You're not alone. The Educator's Job Search Blueprint is your personalized roadmap to navigating career transitions, confidently. Whether you're seeking a leadership role in K12 education or exploring new paths beyond the classroom, this beginner-friendly, 6-module course equips you with the actionable steps you need to shine.
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